Il Consolato Onorario di Brescia, accreditato presso l'Ambasciata del Ghana in Italia, oltre alla protezione degli interessi della Repubblica del Ghana e dei suoi cittadini in Italia, si occupa di promuovere le relazioni commerciali, economiche, culturali e scientifiche tra l’Italia e la Repubblica del Ghana nonché le relazioni tra i due Paesi nei limiti della circoscrizione consolare di competenza.

Serve anche come un centro unico per la diffusione di informazioni sul commercio, gli investimenti e il turismo in Ghana.

Benvenuti nel Consolato Onorario della Repubblica del Ghana in Brescia

Consolato Onorario della Repubblica del Ghana


Per informazioni

Telefono: +39 030 377 15 05
Email :


a) Legal claims sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths / Notary Public: Change of name, nationality, date of birth etc.:

  • Statement declared before a Commissioner of Oath giving reasons for the change, etc.
  • Cover letter from the Judicial Service, Accra.
  • Cover letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Copy of Passport
  • Fee: €30


b) Birth Certificate, Police Report, Marriage, Divorce Certificates and other legal certificates:

  • Cover letter from the relevant issuing office.
  • Cover letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Accra.
  • Original and Translated copies of documents.
  • Endorsement by the Spanish Embassy in Accra.
  • Copy of passport.
  • Fee: €30


Bachelor certificate:

  • Oath sworn by your family members before a Commissioner of Oaths confirming that you are a Bachelor.
  • Cover letter from Judiciary Service, Accra.
  • Cover letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Copy of Passport
  • Fee: €30


Certificate as a Ghanaian Citizen:

  • Fully completed registration form
  • 2 passport-size photographs (full face) taken not more than three (3) months
  • Copy of passport
  • Fee: €30


*Applicants are to submit completed registration form personally at the Embassy, except for persons whose passports were issued in Madrid.

  • Endorsement Of Certificates For Use In Ghana
  • Endorsement by the relevant Ministry.
  • Endorsement by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Fee : €30